Getting Help When You Need It

From stress and anxiety to shame and embarrassment, you don’t have to deal with your loud thoughts alone.
San Diego County has free Mental Health support and Suicide Prevention resources.

San Diego Access and Crisis Line

(888) 724-7240

24 hours a day, 7 days a week

A helpline if you are seeking support, are concerned about someone you know, or are looking for other resources.

If emergency medical care is needed, call 911 or go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital.

San Diego County Behavioral Health Services

24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Mental health and substance use disorder services for San Diego County residents of all ages.

211 San Diego

(800) 523-5933 or (619) 543-1434

24 hours a day, 7 days a week

A free hotline for community, health and disaster services in San Diego County.

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Call 988

24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

Active Minds

A nonprofit organization that empowers college students to speak openly about mental health, in order to educate others and encourage help-seeking. Through campus-wide events and national programs, Active Minds aims to remove the stigma that surrounds mental health issues, and create a comfortable environment for an open conversation about mental health challenges on campuses nationwide.

Aging Well

Aging Well for Health Care Professionals is a free and easy-to-use, one-hour eLearning for primary care providers, office staff, first responders, volunteers, and allied professionals. It is designed to sensitize providers to the unique aspects of caring for older adults’ mental health, including prevention, early intervention and treatment. BRN, BBS, CAS, and CAADAC/CAADE continuing education are available at completion. Free in-service trainings are also offered onsite, in-person to staff of 10 or more.

Aging Well Training

This free mental health training program aims to empower older adults to better manage their overall well-being. It will describe how to detect when something is not right, as well as inform about how appropriate screening, diagnosis, and treatment can lead to aging well.

Al-Anon Family Groups

Friends and family members of problem drinkers share their experiences and learn how to apply the principles of the Al‑Anon program to their individual situations.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

A nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical organization, available almost everywhere. No age or education requirements. Open to anyone who wants to do something about their drinking problem

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Facts For Family Guide: This website offers resources and a wide range of “Facts for Families” in different languages.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) – San Diego Chapter

The AFSP San Diego Chapter is dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education and advocacy, and to reaching out to people with mental health challenges and those impacted by suicide. The Chapter offers educational programs for high schools, colleges, professionals and community groups. The Chapter’s Survivor Outreach Program provides survivors and their families with support and reassurance that surviving a suicide loss is possible.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) San Diego Chapter

The AFSP San Diego Chapter is dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education and advocacy, and to reaching out to people with mental health challenges and those impacted by suicide. The Chapter offers educational programs for high schools, colleges, professionals and community groups. The Chapter’s Survivor Outreach Program provides survivors and their families support and reassurance that surviving a suicide loss is possible.

Asian Counseling and Healing Referral Service (National)

Hope and opportunity in over 40 languages and dialects. ACRS promotes social justice and the well-being and empowerment of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other underserved communities – including immigrants, refugees, and American-born – by developing, providing and advocating for innovative, effective and efficient community-based multilingual and multicultural services.

Asian Mental Health Collective (National)

Through projects such as a Facebook group, resource library, video web-series, and meetup groups, the AMHC aims to provide mental health support, normalize and de-stigmatize mental health within the Asian community.

Asian Therapists in California finder

Asians Do Therapy (National)

A modern website designed to reduce stigma and increase accessibility for Asian Americans.

Autism NOW: Dating and Relationships

This site provides information for individuals living with ASD and their loved ones on ways to establish, dissolve or maintain personal relationships including tips on how to succeed as a parent living with disabilities, how to approach a divorce and tips on how to build long-lasting friendships.

Autism NOW: Resources for Learning About Sexuality

This site provides a list of resources including books, articles and websites on the topic of sexuality. These resources are aimed at those living with ASD as well as their loved ones who may want to initiate a conversation on the topic or may be looking for support for difficult topics.

Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks is an autism science and advocacy organization, dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for autism, increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders and advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. By visiting the Autism Speaks website, families can learn more about the early signs of autism, treatment, prevalence, as well as helpful resources, services, and apps.

Autism Speaks: Health

This guide provides parents of adolescents and young adults living with ASD some insight on how to address basic health needs with their children and their children’s care providers to ensure they receive the proper mental, physical and sexual health guidance they deserve.

Autism Tree Project Foundation

Autism Tree Project Foundation is dedicated to improving communities in San Diego County by assisting with education, advocacy, screening, and mentoring for families impacted by autism. ATPF’s Youth Education and Developmental Services coordinates a variety of intensive programs designed to engage youth with autism in a variety of services, aimed at improving their confidence and behaviors, plus improving their social communications. All programs are provided to families at no cost.

Beyond Blue

This website provides very comprehensive information on depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder, as well as a special section on postnatal depression. Each section includes warning signs, screening tools and an explanation of treatment options. In addition, the website features a link to information focused on youth.

Black therapists in California finder

Blueprint for Men’s Health

This publication, published by the Men’s Health Network, discusses the main physical and emotional health issues that men face today, including factors that increase health risks, how to recognize symptoms and practical, easy-to-implement prevention strategies.

Boys Town

Offers a vast library of parenting information and articles developed over many decades by our child behavior experts. The site features parenting guides, articles, videos, tools and quick tips on a variety of subjects.

California CareerZone

Teens can take an assessment to find out what kind of occupations may be best for them. Additional features help youth home in how they can get paid doing things they enjoy doing and the kinds of working conditions they want.

California Department of Veteran Affairs

A hub to learn about federal and state education, employment, health care, housing, and claims benefits.

California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions

The California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions (CIBHS) promotes excellence in mental health services through training, technical assistance, research and policy development. The website provides a searchable database for mental health services throughout the state, information, policy updates and new developments in treatment options for mental health.

California State University San Marcos Student Health and Counseling Services

333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Rd. San Marcos, CA 92096-0001

Short-term individual, couple, family and group counseling is available at no charge to enrolled Cal State San Marcos students. Students may be seen for up to eight sessions per academic year, including the Counseling Assessment session. Sessions are usually held weekly and are 50 minutes in length. Groups may be longer-term and are usually 90 minutes in length.

California Strategic Plan on Suicide Prevention

The California Strategic Plan for Suicide Prevention provides recommendations of the Suicide Prevention Plan Advisory Committee to the California Department of Mental Health.

Caregiver Action Network

This is a grassroots organization that was created to educate, support, and empower people who care for loved ones who are chronically ill, aging, or disabled.

Casa de Amparo

Established in 1978, Casa de Amparo (Home of Protection) is recognized as a leader in treating and preventing child abuse and neglect in San Diego County and beyond, with locations in Oceanside and San Marcos. The non-profit organization provides programs and services that promote healing, growth, and healthy relationships. These programs include: Residential Services, Counseling Services, Family Visitation, Hayward Child Development Center, New Directions and Young Parent Network. Casa de Amparo is the San Diego Chargers Courage House, part of a national network of NFL teams and local charities dedicated to the prevention of child abuse. A variety of volunteer positions are available. Email Celeste Lampro or call (760) 566-3553.

Center for Healthy Aging

This website, administered by the National Council on Aging, provides resources on a range of topics including mental health, fall prevention, nutrition, and physical activity.

Conversations Matter

These tips from the Hunter Institute of Mental Health in Australia provide guidance for handling safe and effective conversations after a suicide. They include basic tips on what to say and do for a person who lost someone close to them to suicide, as well as when you are worried someone you know may be thinking about suicide.

County of San Diego Aging & Independence Services (AIS)

AIS offers a variety of programs to assist seniors with staying active, healthy and involved in their communities.

  • Senior Volunteers in Action and the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) are two volunteer programs available through Aging & Independence Services (AIS) that provide opportunities for older adults to share their skills, contribute to their communities and, in the process, improve their physical and mental health. Call the AIS Call Center for more information.
  • The AIS Senior Mental Health team includes mental health clinicians who provide crisis assessments and assistance for people age 60 and older with mental health issues. Operators are also available to talk to a concerned adult and provide information and/or referrals.

County of San Diego Aging and Independence Services Volunteer

Lourdes Ramirez

Courage to Call

This program is a Veteran-run, peer-to-peer support program in San Diego County, providing free and confidential services to active and former military members, reservists, National Guardsmen, their families and loved ones. The program connects callers with referrals to resources and support to reduce stress and improve overall mental health. These services are provided off-base in a safe and private atmosphere.

Creating a Sensory-Friendly Home for Your Autistic Child

This website promotes advocacy and provides parents of children with ASD a variety of articles and resources to connect them with the voices of other individuals living with ASD. The article Creating a Sensory-Friendly Home for Your Autistic Child shares tips parents can use to help their children cope with sensory processing issues and suggestions for how to create a safe and comforting home environment.

Cuyamaca College Health & Wellness Center

Room I-134 in the Student Center

The Health and Wellness Center at Cuyamaca College offers confidential crisis intervention, short-term behavioral guidance and counseling referrals to all of its currently enrolled students.

Department of Veterans Affairs

This section of the website offers tips and resources related to mental health and suicide prevention.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) San Diego

DBSA is a peer-facilitated group of people who support one another on the road to wellness, including those diagnosed with mood disorders, their families, friends and anyone else who seeks to learn more about depressive and bipolar mood (affective) disorders.

Disability Rights California

Helps with mental health parity issues by providing counsel and advice, technical assistance to file complaints, and direct representation in select cases raising systemic issues.

Each Mind Matters

Each Mind Matters identifies as California’s Mental Health Movement. Their website offers educational resources in English and Spanish, as well as outreach and media materials to promote mental health. Californians can get involved by taking a pledge, sharing personal stories and wearing a lime green ribbon—the color of mental health awareness.

Elder Multicultural Access and Support Services (EMASS)

This program provides education, referrals, benefits advocacy, peer counselling, transportation services, as well as home and community based services for older adults.

Evidence-Based Mental Health Treatment for Children and Adolescents

This website is a valuable resource for parents who want an effective treatment based on scientific findings. Developed by researchers and clinicians, the site reflects the most current research on the treatment of childhood disorders. In addition, the site enables parents to search for local therapists committed to the practice of science-based therapy.

Face It

This website is committed to helping men feel comfortable and confident in addressing their depression. Face It provides support, education and tools to help you or a man you care about recover and get back on track.

Facing Us

This very interactive website is sponsored by the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance and features information about the impact and management of mental illnesses. Online tools include journaling, a wellness plan and a wellness tracker. Individuals can also send e-postcards and check out the creativity center.

Fact Sheets About Suicide: American Association of Suicidology

This website offers a variety of fact sheets about suicide and suicide prevention, in both English and Spanish.

Families for Depression Awareness

A national nonprofit organization helping families recognize and cope with depressive disorders to get people well and prevent suicides. The website includes profiles of families and experts and an online depression wellness analyzer to help people with depression and their families actively monitor their treatment.

Family Guide

The Building Blocks Family Guide contains ideas for fun activities and discussion starters for you and your children, as well as advice and guidance on topics, such as active listening, rule making and being a good role model.

Financial Planning for Parents of Children with Special Needs’s guide on financial considerations for parenting a child with special needs is a thorough yet easy-to-navigate tool for planning across the child’s lifetime. Parents can access a deep library of content and resources including the newest information on the ABLE act, as well as a financial planning timeline.

Fire Captain Ryan J. Mitchell’s First Responders Behavioral Health Support Program

Provides First Responders in San Diego County a free and confidential space to seek behavioral health services 24/7 365 days a year.

First 5 California “Talk” Campaign

Encourages parents to talk, read and sing to their young children as a way to promote healthy brain growth, especially in the early years between 0 and 5 when 90% of a child’s brain develops. The First 5 California website provides free songs that parents can download.

Fred Finch CARES

Fred Finch CARES provides a comprehensive array of services and support for children and their families confronting an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis. From in-home counseling to school and clinic-based programs, Fred Finch CARES practitioners are here to help you and your family as you adjust to this diagnosis. In addition, Fred Finch CARES offers evaluation and assessment services.

Gender Spectrum Online Discussion Group


Gender Spectrum hosts free online groups for preteens, teens, parents, caregivers, and other family members and adults. These groups provide you with the opportunity to connect with others, share experiences, and feel the comfort of a supportive community.

Geriatric Mental Health Foundation

This website provides mental health information for older adults and their families and assists people with finding a geriatric psychiatrist.

Give Us The Floor


Give Us The Floor provides LGBTQ+ teens in distress with peer-positive human connection through online Supportive Group Chats that provide constant contact and anonymity in a safe teen-only community. Trained teens facilitate the confidential groups and participants help each other with prevalent mental health and social issues such as depression, isolation, anxiety, identity, discrimination, bullying, relationships, domestic violence, and body image. Download the app for free on the Apple App Store or Google Play at the link.

Grossmont College Health Services

Health Services building 60, room 130

Grossmont College Health Services offers free confidential, short-term individual, group and couples mental health counseling to all registered and current students.

Half of Us

This website offers resources for college students to recognize problems, where to find help and how to offer help to a friend. Users can also learn more about mental health and mental health challenges.

Helpguide’s mission is to help people understand, prevent and resolve many of life’s challenges by providing knowledge and hope. Their goal is to give individuals the information and encouragement they need to take charge of their health, well-being and make healthy choices. The website provides comprehensive information for mental and emotional health; family and relationships; healthy living; and seniors and aging.

HHSA Behavioral Health Services Volunteer

Contact Frances Schaad

Hike for Mental Health

The mission of this nonprofit is to increase public awareness of the challenges and suffering faced by those afflicted by mental health challenges and their families. Visit the website to learn how you can volunteer, join a hike, lead a hike, or sponsor a hiker.

Hillcrest Youth Center & South Bay Youth Center


The Hillcrest Youth Center and South Bay Center provide drop-in support and recreational activities dedicated to the needs of LGBTQ and nonbinary youth, as well as youth living with HIV.

Impact Young Adults (IYA)

Impact Young Adults (IYA) is a group of young adults, ages 18–35, that are in recovery from mental illness. They have come together to change their experience from one of striving to one of thriving!

Indian Health Council, Inc

To ensure the integrity of an environment that is one with nature's elements, community, traditions, and values that promote health and wellness for future generations.

International Bipolar Foundation

Founded in 2007 by four parents with children affected by bipolar disorder, International Bipolar Foundation is a local non-profit organization, whose mission is to eliminate bipolar disorder through the advancement of research, to promote and enhance care and support services and to erase the associated stigma through public education.

It Gets Better Project


This website is a place where young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender can see how love and happiness can be a reality in their future. It’s a place where people can share their stories, take the It Gets Better Project pledge, watch videos of love and support and learn about resources.

Iverson Foundation for Active Awareness

Aiming to reduce stigma and raise awareness of behavioral health, the Ashley Iverson Foundation for Active Awareness provides retreats and free yoga to first responders.

Jewish Family Service of San Diego

Jewish Family Service of San Diego provides comprehensive human care and serves people of all ages and faiths. JFSSD offers more than 50 programs and services for individuals, youth, couples, families, and groups through short-term, problem-focused therapy, long-term therapy, and mood disorder counseling. Its case management programs are dedicated to providing services critical to the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of their clients. Professional case managers work to empower each client to reach a higher level of functioning.

Kalusugan Community Services

This community-based health center provides health and mental health services, and social programs for the Filipino American community and others.

Kids Health

Is a website that shares information about health, behavior, and development from before birth through the teen years.

Know the Signs

Know the Signs is California’s suicide prevention social marketing campaign. It educates Californians about recognizing the warning signs of suicide, how to find the words to have a direct conversation with someone in crisis, and where to reach out to find professional help and resources.

La Maestra Community Health Centers

This organization provides quality health care to the ethnically diverse communities in San Diego.

Latinx therapists in California finder

Latinx Therapy (National)

Mission is to de-stigmatize mental health in the Latinx community. Provides culturally-grounded workshops and services to the Latinx community, as well as a therapist-finder tool.

LGBT National Youth Talkline


The LGBT National Youth Talkline provides telephone, online private one-to-one chat, and email peer support, as well as factual information and local resources for cities and towns across the United States.

LGBTQ Family Acceptance Project


This community research, intervention, education, and policy initiative works to decrease major health and related risks for LGBTQ+ youth, such as suicide, substance use, HIV, and homelessness—in the context of their families. The site offers online videos and research-based information on how families can help support their LGBTQ+ children.

Live Your Life Well Campaign

This website, sponsored by Mental Health America, offers tips and tools to live a healthy and well-balanced life. The site covers stress reduction, the importance of sleep, and many others topics.

Make the Connection

This campaign, launched by the Department of Veterans Affairs, seeks to make it easy for Veterans to “make the connection” between what they are experiencing and the kinds of resources and services that can help them get on a better track. It not only provides information, but allows Veterans to contact others who have made “the connection,” sought services/treatment and found an improved quality of life. Watch hundreds of Veteran videos and learn more about how to overcome challenges.

Man Therapy

This website reshapes the conversation around men and mental health by using humor to cut through stigma and tackle issues such as depression, divorce and suicidal thoughts head on, the way a man would do it.

Marijuana Prevention Initiative

Resource page contains informational cards, presentations, data, and other documents that can be downloaded and shared to help spread the word about how marijuana impacts the health and well-being of young people.

Men’s Health Network

Men’s Health Network (MHN) is a non-profit educational organization of physicians, researchers, public health workers, other health professionals and individuals committed to improving the health and wellness of men, boys and their families. The website provides men with a wide range of resources and publications related to their health.

Mental Health America

The San Diego chapter of the national organization, Mental Health America of San Diego is dedicated to promoting mental health, preventing mental disorders, and achieving victory over mental health challenges through advocacy, education, research, and service. Contact Mental Health America to find out about volunteer opportunities. Email or call (619) 543-2600.

Mental Health America (MHA) San Diego

Mental Health America of San Diego County is dedicated to promoting mental health, preventing mental disorders and achieving victory over mental illnesses through advocacy, education, research and service. The website offers information about local resources, events and trainings, as well as information and treatment options about various mental health disorders organized by audience and issue. A “Self Help Directory” of more than 600 self-help groups, also known as “the little yellow book,” can be ordered through the website.

Mental Health First Aid San Diego

Mental Health First Aid, USA is a certification training offered by Mental Health America of San Diego County as a free public education program. It is funded by the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Behavioral Department. Our program introduces participants to risk factors and warning signs of mental illnesses, helps build an understanding of their impact, and overviews common supports.

Mental Health Grace Alliance

Mental Health Grace Alliance is a Christian nonprofit mental health recovery support organization serving the community and church through the implementation of support groups, educational trainings, and mental health recovery resources within your local community.

Mental Health Ministries

This website is dedicated to providing educational resources to help erase the stigma of mental health challenges in faith communities and to help congregations become caring places for people living with a mental illness, as well as their families. The site includes printer-friendly media and print resources that can be adapted to the unique needs of each congregation.

Mental Health Systems

Mental Health Systems is a nonprofit agency founded in 1978 to improve the lives of individuals, families and communities facing substance use and behavioral health challenges.

Mental Health Systems Inc

The Mental Health Systems’ mission is to improve lives and instill hope by using new and creative treatment strategies, while respecting time-proven methods of intervention. MHS programs include vocational placement, homeless outreach, case management, employment readiness, mental health court, dual diagnosis treatment, and community outpatient clinics. Opportunities include coordinating events, resource development, customer service, general office support, fundraising and giving campaigns, information technology, research, and work on special projects. All volunteer candidates are asked to successfully complete a series of pre-screening requirements, including a background check. Email or call (858) 573-2600.

This portion of the website offers information about dealing with deployment. It makes recommendations of how best to prepare, communicate with children and cope with stress and anxiety.

MiraCosta College Health Services

Oceanside Campus: Building 3300, Office 3326
San Elijo Campus Student Center: Room 922

MiraCosta College Health Services offers personal counseling at the Oceanside and San Elijo campuses. Counseling services are provided by Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) interns under the supervision of a licensed professional. Individual, couple and family counseling, as well as crisis counseling and referral information, are available at no cost. Sessions are usually 50 minutes, one time per week, for six weeks. To obtain these services, you must be currently enrolled and have paid the health services fee.

Miramar College: Student Mental Health Counseling

San Diego Miramar College Mental Health Counseling offers free, confidential mental health counseling services that includes short term individual sessions, consultation, crisis intervention, referrals and workshops for currently enrolled students.

NAMI North Coastal

10 a.m. to 4 p.m. M–F

This organization supports communities in the north coastal region of San Diego County, from Del Mar to Oceanside and east to Vista and Rancho Santa Fe. Provides information, advocacy and support for people affected by serious mental illnesses. Offers educational meetings and support groups. NAMI CARE are peer-based support groups that occur each week; other support groups are open to all. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month, 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. at St. Michael’s By the Sea Church at 2775 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad.

NAMI San Diego

The National Alliance on Mental Illness in San Diego (NAMI San Diego) is the community’s voice on mental health challenges. At the heart of NAMI San Diego’s mission is sharing information and ending judgement associated with mental health challenges. NAMI San Diego offers a Helpline, support groups, educational meetings, newsletters, a lending library, and a number of classes held at various locations throughout San Diego County.

NAMI San Diego also offers the Organized Support Companion in an Emergency Situation apps (oscER and oscER Jr.) that provide support for families and friends of those experiencing mental health challenges. Download from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

NAMI San Diego

By Volunteering with NAMI San Diego, you will learn invaluable skills, develop friendships, receive support, assist with breaking the stigma and changing the way the world views mental illness, and join a community that feels like family. Opportunities exist to support many of their programs and services such as: a Helpline, support groups, educational meetings, newsletters, a lending library, an annual walk, and a number of classes on mental illness. Please contact NAMI San Diego about your interest in volunteering and find out more about the next scheduled orientation. Email

NAMI Stigma Busters NAMI

StigmaBusters are dedicated to the elimination of ignorance, prejudice, and discrimination against people with mental illnesses—by changing public attitudes from fear, rejection, and isolation to community understanding, acceptance and support. Visit their website to receive regular “Stigma Alerts” and get involved by contacting local news media, legislatures, business and professional leaders, neighbors, and social acquaintances with information that improves their understanding of mental illness. Members have access to letter templates to either protest stigma perpetuated in the local news and entertainment media, protest offensive advertising, or praise accurate media representation. Email

Nar-Anon Family Groups

Primarily for those who know or have known a feeling of desperation concerning the addiction problem of someone very near to them.

Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

Focuses on the disease of addiction rather than any particular drug to provide an environment in which addicts can help one another stop using drugs and find a new way to live.

National Alliance for Hispanic Health

A premier science-based and community-driven organization that focuses on the best health for all. Community-based members provide services to more than 15 million Hispanics throughout the U.S. every year and national organization members provide services to more than 100 million people annually.

National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI)– LGBTQI

This webpage has in-depth information on mental health risk factors among LGBTQ+ youth, including coming out, family relationships and victimization by peers. It further provides information about mental health treatment for LGBTQ+ youth, and suggested resources. Additional information and helpful resources for the LGBTQ+ community can be found on the NAMI website.

National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health

This is a family-run organization with more than 120 chapters and state organizations representing the families of children and youth with mental health needs. It offers a wealth of resources and information for families.

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

'NIMH launched the Real Men, Real Depression campaign, which provides men with information about signs, symptoms and treatment related to depression. Visitors can also view short videos of men who experienced and recovered from depression.

National Queer & Trans Therapists of Color Network

Mission is to advance healing justice by transforming mental health for queer and trans people of color.

National Strategy for Suicide Prevention: Goals and Objectives for Action

This U.S. Department of Health and Human Services document provides goals and objectives as a blueprint for the nation to take action to prevent suicide.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

A free 24-hour hotline available if you or someone you know is in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Press 1 for a dedicated line for veterans and their families.

North County LGBTQ Resource Center


The North County LGBTQ Resource Center is a nonprofit organization that serves the lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual, and questioning (LGBTQ+) community of North County San Diego. Its mission is to foster and empower the North County LGBTQ+ community by providing a safe space, advancing awareness and visibility, and sustaining equality and inclusiveness. Email

North County LGBTQ Resource Center: Project Youth


Project Youth is a Program of the North County LGBTQ Resource Center that supports LGBTQ youth between the ages of 9-25. The program focuses on many year around activities that have the scope to not just entertain but also organize our queer youth. Email

North County Lifeline

North County Lifeline’s purpose as a community-based organization is to identify gaps in self-reliance and respond with solutions for low-income and high-need residents. Therefore, the primary goal is to support community members in North San Diego County who are working towards breaking cycles of poverty and becoming self-reliant. Email or call (760) 842-6254.

Operation Samahan

This is a community health center that provides health and mental health services to low-income Filipinos/Asians and other low-income families and individuals in the County of San Diego, with locations in National City and Mira Mesa.

Our Safe Place


Our Safe Place includes five Drop-in Centers located throughout the County, and a mental health clinic for LGBTQ+ youth up to age 21. OSP provides a wide variety of services for youth and their families, including groups and trainings on topics such as gender identity, coming out, transitioning, sexual health, safe dating, mental wellbeing, family relationships, and drug/alcohol use. Services include individualized case management, including linkages to gender affirming medical services. Additional services for depression, anxiety, trauma, or other mental health concerns are provided at our mental health clinic in Hillcrest. Drop-in Centers are located include Golden Hill, Escondido, Oceanside, Chula Vista, and Spring Valley. Read more information here and view additional support services and resources at:

Palomar College: Behavioral Health Counseling Services

San Marcos Campus: NB Building, Room 2

Palomar College Behavioral Health Counseling Services provides individual and group counseling services at no charge to enrolled Palomar College students. Support is provided for personal, relationship, identity and other concerns. Consultation, outreach, psychoeducational workshops, community forums, events, case management and community referrals are also available.

Play It Safe

In San Diego, Play It Safe offers a 2-hour training for children ages 5 to 11 years. Using role-play, children gain confidence, learn to set boundaries and to appropriately respond and take action when faced with bullying, teasing, and mean behaviors. Classes are taught individually or through community and school-based programs such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, after-school programs and the YMCA.

Point Loma Nazarene University Wellness Center

Brief counseling is available in the Wellness Center for currently enrolled, undergraduate students at PLNU. The Wellness Center is open Monday – Friday during the academic school year to offer morning, afternoon and evening appointments.

Positive Solutions Program

This program from the Union of Pan Asian Communities helps homebound seniors (aged 60+) with recognition of and coping strategies for minor depression.

Preventing Suicide Among LGBT Youth Kit for Workshop Leaders


This free workshop kit is designed to help staff in schools, youth-serving organizations, and suicide prevention programs take action to reduce suicidal behavior among LGBT youth. Topics covered include suicidal behavior, risk and protective factors, strategies to reduce risk and ways to increase school or agency cultural competence.

Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for High Schools

This toolkit assists high schools and school districts in designing and implementing strategies to prevent suicide by promoting behavioral health. It includes tools to implement a multi-faceted suicide prevention program that responds to the needs and cultures of students.

Project ABC

This website provides resources and tip sheets for families, professionals and community organizations to promote the healthy emotional development of infants and young children.

Q Chat Space


The LGBT National Youth Talkline provides telephone, online private one-to-one chat, and email peer support, as well as factual information and local resources for cities and towns across the United States.

Rady Children’s Behavioral Health Urgent Care

The Behavioral Health Urgent Care serves children, teens, and their families struggling with urgent emotional and/or behavioral concerns in the Mid City Region including suicidal thoughts, psychotic thinking, physical aggression, co-occurring problem with substance use/abuse, depression, anxiety and acute stress reduction. Located at 4305 University Avenue, Suite 150 San Diego, CA 92105.

Reach Out

This website is focused on providing tips and resources for youth to help them get through tough times or help a friend. Youth “who have been there and made it through” can share their personal stories or view those submitted by other youth.

Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide

These tips from the Suicide Prevention Council provide the media with suggestions on how to report on suicide in ways that will reduce the risk of suicide contagion and will promote prevention. It includes a few key messages for how to report on suicide in a safe and responsible manner.

Resources for Media when Reporting on Suicide

Recommendations to improve the way suicide is covered in the media.

Responsible Reporting on Suicide

Covering suicide carefully, even briefly, can change public misperceptions and correct myths, which can encourage those who are vulnerable or at risk to seek help. This guide from the Suicide Prevention Council provides recommendations on what to say and suggestions on what to avoid when reporting on suicide. This guide also includes facts, risk factors, and warning signs for suicide as well as what to do if someone you know exhibits warning signs of suicide.

RI International - San Diego Chapter

RI International provides recovery-based services to adults with mental health and/or addiction challenges and offers free wellness and recovery classes to adults experiencing mental health challenges.

Sabbaths of Hope: Faith communities responding to depression (Mental Health America of the Heartland)

This kit helps faith communities respond to depression by enabling clergy, seminarians and other faith leaders to recognize signs and symptoms; offer more effective support to congregants and clergy suffering from depression; provide referral and linkage to treatment options; address stigma, discrimination, and other barriers to treatment; and promote holistic approaches to depression treatment.

San Diego Alcohol and Policy Panel

Coalition of diverse community and youth leaders who are concerned about the impact alcohol-related harm is having on our communities. Provides leadership to the Binge and Underage Drinking Initiative.

San Diego American Indian Health Center

The Mission of San Diego American Indian Health Center is to promote excellence in health care with respect to custom and tradition. Our goal is to reduce the significant health disparities San Diego’s Urban American Indian and under-served populations by improving the excellence of care, resulting in increased life expectancy and improved quality of life.

San Diego Black LGBTQ Coalition


The San Diego Black LGBTQ Coalition strives to be a haven for the Black LGBTQ community. Their primary focus is connecting individuals to resources, events, and outlets that support and enrich their lives, and providing opportunities to strengthen the community in which we live.

San Diego City College Mental Health Counseling

San Diego City College offers free confidential short-term individual, group, and couples mental health counseling to all registered and current students.

San Diego County Behavioral Health Services

Find resources for people experiencing behavioral health challenges and for providers. Includes hotline numbers, provider portal, and available services information.

San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA)-Behavioral Health Services

HHSA provides a broad range of health and social services promoting wellness, self-sufficiency and a better quality of life for all individuals and families in San Diego County. The Behavioral Health Division provides a continuum of services aimed at providing an array of mental health, alcohol and other drug services for children, youth, families, adults, older adults, and improving the quality of life within our communities. The website provides an overview of services available to community members.

San Diego County Methamphetamine Hotline and No 2 Meth Campaign

Provides information about the dangers and effects of meth, getting help and how to report a meth crime.

San Diego County Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force

Offers a wealth of resources including:

  • Help for addiction
  • How to address problem use in families
  • Teen prescription drug use/misuse
  • Safe prescription drug disposal
  • Local statistics and legislation

San Diego County Suicide Prevention & Mental Health Experts

Reach out to these individuals to consult with a Mental Health and/or Suicide Prevention expert.

San Diego County Suicide Prevention Action Plan Needs Assessment

This needs assessment, published in March 2011, was conducted to provide local data and evidence to inform individuals, organizations and agencies across San Diego County in the development of a strategic approach to suicide prevention at the local level.

San Diego County Suicide Prevention Council

The San Diego County Suicide Prevention Council provides oversight, guidance and support to implement the recommendations made in the San Diego County Suicide Prevention Action Plan (PDF). There are many opportunities for broad-based involvement in identifying, developing and monitoring the local Action Plan. Contact Lora Cayanan,

San Diego County Suicide Prevention Council (SPC)

The Suicide Prevention Council is administered by Community Health Improvement partners. The website offers an overview of suicide prevention efforts in San Diego County, data, and how to get involved. A few key resources include:

  • Suicide Prevention Trainings:
    Phone: (858) 609-7971
    Community Health Improvement Partners offer free suicide prevention trainings. QPR, which stands for Question, Persuade and Refer, is an emergency intervention to help a person who is considering suicide. Anyone who is in a position to recognize the signs that someone may be considering suicide is encouraged to sign up for a QPR training. In a one-hour workshop, individuals learn to recognize warning signs, what questions to ask, and how to offer hope and help. The workshop is designed for parents, friends, neighbors, teachers, ministers, doctors, nurses, office supervisors, caseworkers, firefighters, and many others. QPR trainings are offered at no cost in San Diego.
  • SPC Report To The Community 2020 (PDF)

San Diego County Suicide Prevention Council (SPC)

The Suicide Prevention Council is administered by Community Health Improvement partners. The website offers an overview of suicide prevention efforts in San Diego County, data, and how to get involved. A few key resources include:

San Diego County Suicide Prevention Council (SPC) Resource Guide for Schools 2020

The SPC Resource Guide for Schools contains local and national suicide prevention and mental health resources. The guide contains resources for school staff (e.g., counselors, educators, administrators), parents, and students.

San Diego Eldercare

This website offers a comprehensive online directory for services and programs for the elderly in San Diego County.

San Diego Family Care

This organization is dedicated to providing culturally competent, affordable, fiscally responsible, accessible and high-quality medical care, mental health care and multicultural health promotion, with a primary focus on central San Diego.

San Diego LGBT Community Center


The San Diego LGBT Community Center enhances and sustains the health and well-being of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, nonbinary, immirgrant, and HIV communities to the betterment of our entire San Diego region. The Center provides emergency help, food resources, housing resources, healthcare services, behavioral health services, virtual services, and more.

San Diego Mesa Health and Psychological Counseling Services

Health Services Office, room 14-209

Therapists are available to currently enrolled students by appointment only.

San Diego Network of Care for Behavioral Health

This website is a resource for individuals, families and agencies looking for mental health resources and information in San Diego County.

San Diego Pride Latine


Join queer, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay Latine community members, activists and leaders from across San Diego County as we work to enhance the capacity of our community’s ability to build a movement and mobilize. Together we can strengthen the educational, health, cultural, civic, political, and economic power of our LGBTQ Latine community and the region. Contact the Latine Coalition at

San Diego Pride Queer APIMEDA Coaltition


San Diego Pride Queer APIMEDA (Asian, Pacific Islander, Middle-Eastern, Desi American) Coalition aims to create a safe and welcoming space designed to foster meaningful discussions about the intersection of individuals who identify as APIMEDA and LGBTQ+.

San Diego Pride Youth Power Hours


Pride Youth Power Hours are held every first and third Fridays from 4–6 p.m. and are a safe space for LGBTQ+ youth (and their allies) to connect, learn, and build community in a semi-structured virtual setting during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn how you can join at the website.

San Diego Psychiatric Society

The San Diego Psychiatric Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the highest quality of care for people with mental health challenges. This website offers a database of physicians that specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of mental, emotional and substance use disorders.

San Diego Psychological Association

This website provides a comprehensive listing of mental health providers and resources for San Diego. Additionally, a service called Psychology 2000 offers free, short-term psychological services to people who can’t afford them and meet certain criteria.

San Diego Youth Services

This nonprofit organization offers services to at-risk youth and their families in the San Diego area. Services include emergency services, safe places to live, and long-term solutions for kids “on their own” by providing shelters, group homes, foster homes, community centers, and transitional housing.

San Diego Youth Services (SDYS)

A nationally recognized, comprehensive nonprofit organization that has helped stabilize the lives of more than a half-million young people and their families since 1970. It works to fight the tragedies of homeless youth and youth in crisis. A large number of volunteer opportunities are available, including, but not limited to: working with adopted youth, mentoring, outreach to homeless youth, volunteering at teen homeless shelters, administrative and donor development, and special projects. Email Liz Veselich, or call (619) 221-8600 x1272.

SDSU Counseling & Psychological Services

San Diego State University, Calpulli Center off 5700 Hardy Ave., Suite 4401, San Diego, California 92182-4730

Registered undergraduate and graduate students at San Diego State University can take advantage of free and confidential short-term individual, couples and group counseling, as well as crisis intervention through SDSU’s Counseling & Psychological Services. It also provides consultation and referral services to students, staff, faculty and parents.

Serving Seniors

Serving Seniors provides nutrition, social and medical services, advocacy, homeless outreach, housing assistance, and intergenerational activities for seniors, ages 60 and over. It also offers skill-based activities for seniors and is always looking for volunteers to assist in leading fun activities. Call Tim Ruis at (619) 487-0727.

SOS: A handbook for survivors of suicide

A pocket-sized quick reference booklet for suicide loss survivors from the American Association of Suicidology. The booklet may be downloaded for free, or print copies can be purchased through the AAS website. Also available in Spanish.

Southern Caregiver Resource Center

Provides support groups and one-on-one help to Hispanic caregivers of a loved one with Alzheimer’s through its REACHing Out program.

Southern Indian Health Council, Inc.

Southern Indian Health Council is a Native American organization committed to protecting and improving the physical, mental and spiritual health of our American Indian community.

Speaking of Suicide

This website for individuals having suicidal thoughts, their loved ones, loss survivors, and mental health professionals. It includes information on how to talk with children about the suicide, a comprehensive book list, and much more.

This resource provides information from various government agencies on what bullying is, what cyberbullying is, who is at risk, and how you can prevent and respond to bullying.

Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

This website offers research, resources and publications related to mental health, substance use disorders, prevention, treatment and recovery.

Suicide Facts at a Glance: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Injury Center

This fact sheet provides up-to-date national level data and statistics on suicide and suicidal behaviors.

Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)

The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) provides prevention support, training, and resources to assist organizations to develop suicide prevention programs, interventions, and policies and to advance the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.

Suicide Prevention Toolkit for Rural Primary Care

This web-based toolkit is useful for primary care providers and medical practice managers in rural and non-rural settings. It includes tools to assess your patient’s risk of suicide, plan interventions, create safety plans and develop partnerships with others in the community.

Support Your Vet

This website by Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) offers forums, tips and mental health resources for family members and friends of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans.

Supporting Individuals on the Autism Spectrum Coping with Grief and Loss through Death or Divorce

This article from the Indiana Resource Center for Autism explores ways for a caregiver, friend, therapist or family member to help those around them living with ASD cope with the loss of a loved one due to death or divorce. A list of resources on each topic is also provided.

Surviving a suicide loss: A financial guide

In the aftermath of loss, it can be especially difficult to make sound financial decisions. This guide from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention describes how to take inventory, settle the estate, work with advisors, and set a year of financial milestones.

Surviving after Suicide

A survivor of suicide is a family member or friend of a person who died by suicide. This fact sheet describes the common emotions and feelings of grief experienced by survivors of suicide and offers resources through the American Association of Suicidology.

Survivors of Suicide

The Survivors of Suicide website was developed to help those who have lost a loved one to suicide resolve their grief and pain in their own personal way

Survivors of Suicide Loss (SOSL)

SOSL provides self-help support groups for those who have lost a relative or friend through suicide. Support materials and a quarterly newsletter are available either electronically or in hard copy. A speaker’s bureau provides information on suicide issues and prevention of suicide.


A teen-to-teen hotline and community outreach program with over 10,000 teens contacting TEEN LINE each year by calling, texting or emailing. The line is open every night from 6–10 p.m. PST to help adolescents address their problems in a confidential, anonymous, and comfortable manner.


This website provides health information with different sections for kids, teens, and parents. The TeensHealth section is an interactive site filled with games, animations, quizzes, fact sheets, and many other resources. Topics include exercise and nutrition, depression, drugs and alcohol, sexual health, recipes, preparing for college, volunteering, finding a job, and even tips for taking tests and studying.


Provides pregnant women and new moms with information they need to take care of their health and give their babies the best possible start in life. Topics include birth defects prevention, immunization, nutrition, seasonal flu, mental health, oral health and safe sleep. Women who sign up for the service by texting BABY (or BEBE for Spanish) to 511411 receive free SMS text messages each week, timed to their due date or baby’s date of birth.

The Balanced Mind Parent Network

Offers information, resources and the opportunity to connect with others.

The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation (National)

Aims to eradicate the stigma around mental health issues in the African-American community. Site is designed to help people who are Black find Black mental health resources, services, information and inspiration.

The Directing Change Program & Film Contest

Offers young people the opportunity to create 60-second films about suicide prevention and mental health that are used to support awareness, education, and advocacy efforts on these topics.

The Friendship Line

Is a 24-hour toll-free hotline/warmline for older and disabled adults. The Friendship Line at the Institute on Aging provides older and disabled adults reassurance, crisis intervention, information, and referrals. Call to speak with a trained volunteer who specializes in offering caring conversation with older adults.

The Gender Phluid Collective


The Gender Phluid Collective (GPC) is a collective that was created out of the need to create more diverse and inclusive safer spaces for those who identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) and Queer, Trans, People of Color (QTPOC) that intersect with the African Diaspora within the San Diego 2SLGBTQIA+, specifically those who identify as nonbinary, trans, gender queer, and gender fluid. GPC provides support groups, resources for community health services, and mental health services as well as helps provide items for those transitioning, or just needing a little help maintaining.

The George G. Glenner Alzheimer’s Family Centers, Inc

Offers a variety of family resources and free weekly support groups for caregivers. These groups are open to the community and adult day programs are provided at no charge during the meeting.

The Guide to Buying Used Accessible Vehicles

This article provides insight on what consumers with physical disabilities should look for when purchasing a used vehicle to meet their special needs. Factors to consider when searching for the right vehicle should include the type of modifications that are needed for either the person with the disability or a caregiver, the type of weather conditions year-round and financing options including where to find loans or assistance for wheelchair modifications.

The Guide to Securing Life-Long Accommodations for Adult Children with Special Needs

This guide provides parents of adult-dependent children a care plan checklist to prepare in the event they are no longer physically able to look after them. Some factors to consider include general preparation such as involving loved ones for support and keeping the child’s medical history regularly updated as well as finding qualified caregivers and what legal considerations to prepare ahead of time.

The Jed Foundation

This foundation is dedicated to reduce emotional distress and prevent suicide among college students. The website provides resources for students, professionals, parents, and friends.

The Loveland Foundation (National)

Financial assistance to Black women and girls seeking therapy.

The Real Warriors Campaign

The Real Warriors Campaign is an initiative launched by the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) to promote the processes of building resilience, facilitating recovery, and supporting reintegration of returning service members, veterans and their families.

The San Diego County Chapter of the Autism Society of America (SDASA)

The Autism Society of San Diego is dedicated to its mission: Improving the lives of all affected by autism. The chapter provides informational support meetings with timely topics, referrals to local resources, monthly family recreational activities, Camp I CAN (Camp Including Children with Autism Now) and increased public awareness. Chapter membership includes early notification on many events, eligibility for discounts on adaptive swim lessons and Surf Camp for persons with autism, scholarships for conferences and our Autism Action magazine.

The San Diego Postpartum Health Alliance

The San Diego Postpartum Health Alliance offers moms in crisis and their concerned friends or relatives support, information and referrals. The website also features a blog and information about upcoming events.

The San Diego Regional Center

The San Diego Regional Center provides a variety of services to persons with developmental disabilities, their families, and the community, including assessments, individual and family service plans, and case management services.

The Trevor Project


The Trevor Project is a national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ youth and young adults, ages 13–24, over the phone, online, and via text.

TrevorLifeline: A crisis intervention and suicide prevention phone service available 24/7 at (866) 488-7386.
TrevorText: Text the word “Trevor” to (202) 304-1200 to text with a trained counselor on Fridays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
TrevorChat: Confidential chat service with a trained volunteer counselor available 7 days a week, from 12p.m. to 6 p.m.

The Trevor Project: TrevorSpace


The LGBT National Youth Talkline provides telephone, online private one-to-one chat, and email peer support, as well as factual information and local resources for cities and towns across the United States.

Therapy for Black Girls (National)

An online space dedicated to encouraging the mental wellness of Black women and girls.

Therapy for Latinx (National)

Therapists, resources and news about mental health developed specifically for the Latinx community.

Trans Lifeline


Trans Lifeline is a grassroots hotline and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis—for the trans community, by the trans community.

TransFamily Support Services


TransFamily Support Services (TFSS) is a nonprofit organization in San Diego serving transgender and gender nonconforming youth and their families. TFSS provides individual and family coaching to facilitate acceptance and support, assists with health care and insurance issues, helps families navigate the legal system, and advocates for resources and support at schools.

UC San Diego Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Galbraith Hall 190

Registered undergraduate and graduate students at the University of California, San Diego can take advantage of free and confidential individual, group, couples and family psychotherapy through Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).


An anonymous, confidential, online resource center, where college students can be comfortable searching for the information they need and want regarding emotional health. ULifeline is a project of The Jed Foundation, a leading organization working to protect the emotional health of the U.S.’s college students, and was developed with input from leading experts in mental health and higher education. The Jed Foundation provides ULifeline to all colleges and universities free of charge, regardless of the size or type of institution.

Understanding Suicide Fact Sheet: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Injury Center

This two-page fact sheet is intended for the general public and provides a basic overview of suicide, including risk factors, prevention, and additional resources.

Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC) San Diego

The Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC) is a nationally-recognized non-profit organization, offering multicultural, multilingual, comprehensive physical and mental health services to Asian, Pacific Islander and other ethnic communities.

University of San Diego Counseling Center

Serra Hall Room 300

The Counseling Center offers USD students a range of confidential services to enhance their emotional, relational and psychological well-being. Enrolled students can receive an assessment with a counselor to discuss personal and/or academic concerns and to decide the best course of action to address the student’s concerns, which may include individual and/or group counseling, a psychiatric consultation, a referral to another program on campus or a provider in the community. Students can schedule an appointment by logging into their USD MyWellness Portal at

Veterans Crisis Line

This is a free, 24-hour hotline available to Veterans or anyone concerned about them who may be in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Text and chat is also available.

When an Autism Diagnosis Comes in Adulthood

This article by NPR describes the personal stories of three individuals who did not get diagnosed with ASD until they were adults. In their account of their childhood experiences they recall behaviors which may have suggested they were exhibiting characteristics of ASD, but without actual diagnosis they continued, and in some cases struggled, with their development without knowledge of their condition.

Wounded Warrior Project

The Wounded Warrior Project is a nonprofit organization that seeks to assist those men and women of our armed forces who have been severely injured by encouraging peer support and providing unique, direct programs and services to meet their needs.

Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program San Diego

Yellow Ribbon is a community and school-based suicide prevention and outreach program. The website includes tips on how to recognize warning signs, how to reach out and a special section for parents to help them recognize signs of depression in children and teens.

Your Head: An Owner’s Manual

This publication, published by the Men’s Health Network, provides men of all ages, and those who love them, with realistic information about depression, anxiety, stress and mood disorders, along with practical actions that can make a difference in their lives.

Your Life Your Voice

Run by Boys Town National Hotline (for everyone). Your Life Your Voice offers resources to teens to cope with challenges with family and transitioning to adulthood. Users can call, text, or email for support, or download the app for more.

Youth Suicide: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Injury Center

The CDC offers national level data and information about suicide among youth, including risk factors and resource recommendations for youth suicide prevention.