Checking In on Your
Mental Health

Every day, people face worries and stress that can affect mental health. While everyday stressors are a part of life, they can often make us feel overwhelmed. That’s why it’s important to take care of yourself. If you are struggling, learn more about self-help or professional mental health support. You deserve resources that work best for you. Because your mental health is health.

Find free mental health-related community events near you by viewing the calendar here.

Knowing the Signs of Mental
Health Challenges

A mental health challenge is anything that affects thinking, emotions, behaviors, or mood. Signs of mental health challenges vary across age groups. These challenges can impact day-to-day living and how we interact with others. If you or a loved one is experiencing any of the signs below for more than two weeks, consider getting more information and help.1

1 Signs of mental health challenges courtesy of WebMD.

Caring for Your Mental Health

From Self-Help to Outside Support

Self-help (or self-care) is our way of maintaining a healthy relationship with our body and mind. While self-help can be much needed when you’re having a bad day,2 outside support may be necessary to help symptoms that last two weeks or more. Some things you can do to practice self-help include:

ClickTap the icons below to see how to strengthen your well-being.


Quick Ways to Support Your Mental Health With Self-Help

Practicing self-care for just a few minutes a day can help relieve stress. Taking care of our mind and our bodies with these activities can have big benefits.

Treat your body like it’s your best friend. If you’re feeling sad or tired, it could be your body asking for help. Remember that you can reach out and seek support that’s right for you.


Seeking Outside Support for Your Mental Health

While practicing self-care during a rough day can be helpful, remember that you don’t have to struggle on your own. Mental health professionals such as psychologists, psychiatrists, and counselors aren’t just for anxiety or depression. Outside help like therapy can provide support for a lot of other challenges:

  • Set goals if you are feeling lost.
  • Identify habits that are holding you back.
  • Raise self-confidence.
  • Start new, healthier habits.
Find Mental Health Resources


Ways to Find Outside Support for Your Mental Health

Mental health support can vary depending upon personal preferences, symptoms, history, and many other factors.

Prioritizing Mental Health in the Next Normal

COVID-19 changed how we go about our lives and continues to make many of us feel burned out or overwhelmed. If you or someone you know needs help navigating stress, anxiety, or depression, or is struggling with substance use, swipe for tips and resources.

Help End Stigma Around Mental Health

Stigma refers to judgments or inaccurate beliefs that people might have about a specific group of people. People with mental health challenges sometimes face discrimination because of the stigma around mental health.

Scroll through the images below to see how you can fight back against mental health stigma.