It’s Up to Each One of Us

It’s Up to Us is about helping San Diegans talk openly about mental health, recognize signs of challenges, find local resources, and seek support. We aim to inspire wellness, reduce stigma, and prevent suicide.

In The Spotlight

Mental Health Is Health

Dealing with too much can feel overwhelming and take a toll on your mental health. But it’s okay to ask for help. Reaching out to the people around you and connecting to resources that can offer you the support you need can help you. You’re not alone. Learn more about how to care for your mental health.

You Are the Right Person to Help Prevent Suicide

In distress or crisis? Call: Access and Crisis Line (888) 724-7240.

You are the right person

People who are thinking about suicide often feel alone, but talking with them can help. Even if you only know them a little (like a coworker) or a lot (like a close family member), reaching out to support is still the right thing to do.

You can always help,
no matter your relationship.
See why you are the right person.